QuickLock Plates & Bridge Plates

401-121 Verschiebeplatte

Stabile Verschiebeplatte mit Ø 19 mm Rohren. Bei allen Chrosziel Verschiebeplatten: Durch die Langlöcher lässt sich der unterschiedliche Versatz der optischen Achse bei den Kameras kompensieren.

  • Inkl. Ø 19 mm Edelstahl- oder Kohlefaserrohre, Rohrmittenabstand 105 mm)
  • Rohre von 440 mm bis zu 720 mm Länge erhältlich
  • Befestigt man die Chrosziel QuickLock Platte auf der Verschiebeplatte 401-121 ist das Objektiv in der genormten Höhe, so dass Matte Boxen verwendet werden können.

401-150 QuickLock Plate

The patented QuickLock tripod adapter plate (401-150) connects the camera quickly and easily, and even after decades of use. In combination with the Chrosziel bridge plate (401-121) adjustment of the centre of gravity is very easy. Suitable for all cameras which are equipped with wedge plate connections (V-mount) in the front and a mounting bracket behind the shoulder support.

  • For many cameras, the solid connection to the tripod

401-F235 DigiCine Verschiebeplatte

Große Verschiebeplatte für alle gängigen Digi-Cine Kameras. Ermöglicht bequemes Arbeiten vom Stativ. Die Kamera läßt sich mittels stabilem Schlitten (je nach Objektiv-Typ) problemlos und nach gewünschtem Schwerpunkt verschieben. Eine extra lange Version ermöglicht das Arbeiten mit extrem langen Objektiven.

  • Für die Sony F23/F35/F65
  • Inkl. Ø 19 mm Edelstahl- oder Kohlefaserrohre
  • Rohre mit bis zu 720 mm Länge
  • Lässt sich mit vielen Chrosziel Leichtstützen des Typs 401-4XX und der 401-FS7 kombinieren.


The Universal Plate for all Common Cameras with V Lock
  • Play-Free Camera Fixing
  • Los-Noise Locking Mechanism
  • For all cameras wth V Moount


The Chrosziel QuickLock Plate 401-150 locking mechanism consists of three parts: (1) a movable unlocking bolt at the front, (2) a fork-shaped locking slide in the middle, and (3) a retractable locking bolt at the rear.
To attach a camera with V-mount adapter to the QuickLock Plate, push it into the V-shaped notch on the front and pull the locking lever to the right. The following happens: Unlocking bolt (1) and locking slide (2) move forwards / left, the locking bolt (3) downwards.
Compared to average standard Quick Release Plates or VCT Tripod Plates (mostly without retractable locking bolts), the Chrosziel locking mechanism with retractable locking bolt (3) play-freely clamps even worn out rear mounting mechanisms located on the camera bottom.
For cine cameras equipped only with tripod screw threads at the bottom , a Chrosziel lightweight support (such as 401-EVA1) enables mounting the camera play-free to the quick release plate. For ENG cameras, rod support can be added via a Chrosziel lightweight support (like 401-50 for Sony) in combination with the QuickLock Plate.


The locking mechanism consists of two sliders. On the first slider the front unlocking bolt and fork-shaped locking slide are mounted. On the second slider only the retractable locking bolt is mounted. Both sliders are connected via a two spring-loaded connecting lever, which is moved back and forth by the locking lever on the left side of the QuickLock Plate. This guarantees an absolutely synchronous opening and closing of the locking mechanism.

For ensuring a perfectly working QuickLock Plate the highest precision is ensured during production. The necessary lubricity is ensured by highly viscous grease. Together with the elastic spring mechanism, the result is a low-noise locking mechanism.

Setup with QuickLock Plate 401-150, Sony PXW-FS7 and Light Weight Support 401-FS7


Base plate for bridge plate
Base plate (l. 290mm, 11 inch) for bridge plate unit

Bridge Plate Cine, Ø19mm 72cm
Bridge Plate with Ø19mm rods, L= 720mm, for Sony F23, F35, F65 and with LWS as adaptor for Red Epic / Scarlet, Canon C300, C100, C500 and with LWS 401-444HD

Bridge Plate DigiCine, Ø19mm
Bridge Plate with Ø19mm rods, L= 440mm, for Sony F23, F35, F55, F65, Phantom Flex and with LWS as adaptor for Red Epic / Scarlet, Canon EOS C Series and other

Bridge Plate DigiCine, Ø19mm CF
Bridge Plate with Ø19mm carbon rods, L= 500mm, for Sony F23, F35, F65 and with LWS as adaptor for Red Epic / Scarlet, Canon C300, C100, C500 and wth LWS 401-450HD for all cameras wth an optical axis height between 45 and 66 mm.

Bridge Plate incl. Ø19mm Rods
Bridge Plate incl. Ø19mm Carbon Rods, l. 500mm (for combination with 401-130 Quick-lock Tripod Plate)

Bridge Plate incl. Ø19mm Rods
Bridge Plate incl. Ø19mm Rods, l. 440mm (for combination with QuickLock Tripod Plates 401-120/401-130 )

Chrosziel QuickLock V-Mount Tripod Plate
Chrosziel QuickLock VCT Tripod Plate for cameras with V-mount, fully adjustable 3/8" + 1/4" mount threads. Ultra-lightweight made of aircraft-grade aluminium, quiet, low-noise locking mechanism, play-free mounting of the camera by push and pull release/lock lever.  (replaces 401-130)FEATRURESSecure, Play-Free Camera MountingLow-Noise Locking Mechanism For all cameras with V Mount Play-Free mounting on the Tripod PlateThe  QuickLock Plate 401-150 locking mechanism consists of three parts: movable unlocking bolt at the front,fork-shaped locking slide in the middleretractable locking bolt at the rearTo attach a camera with V-mount adapter to the QuickLock Plate, push it into the V-shaped notch on the front and pull the locking lever to the right. The following happens: Unlocking bolt  and locking slide  move forwards / left, the locking bolt downwards. Compared to average standard Quick Release Plates or VCT Tripod Plates (mostly without retractable locking bolts), the Chrosziel locking mechanism with retractable locking bolt has play-freely clamps to secure even worn out rear mounting mechanisms located on the bottom of the camera. For cine cameras equipped only with tripod screw threads at the bottom , a Chrosziel lightweight support (such as 401-EVA1) enables mounting the camera security to the quick release plate. For ENG cameras, rod support can be added via a Chrosziel lightweight support (like 401-50 for Sony) in combination with the QuickLock Plate.

Top Bridge 401-121 (no rods)
Top plate of bridge plate unit 401-121 (without rods)

Top Bridge 401-121 w steel rods
Top dovetail bridge plate with 19mm steel rods

Top Bridge DigiCine, Ø19mm CF
Only Top Bridge of Bridge Plate F235 incl. Ø 19 mm carbon Rods, L=500 mm

Top Bridge f DigiCine with rods
Only Top Bridge of Bridge Plate F235 incl. Ø 19 mm steel rods, L=440mm

Top Bridge incl. Ø19mm CF Rods
Top Plate incl. Ø19mm carbon Rods, l. 440mm
